Exam Anxiety
Perhaps you know the feeling that, despite intensive preparation, the fear of an exam situation becomes overwhelming.
The fear of having a blackout during the exam or of not being able to recall what you have learned because you are too nervous arises just from thinking about the upcoming situation.
Exam anxiety is a widespread problem that affects many people.
This fear is often rooted deep in the subconscious and can hardly be influenced
by logical arguments or good preparation alone.
The intense fear reactions cannot simply be overcome by rational thinking.
If you suffer from exam anxiety, there are effective ways to overcome it.
I work with methods that target the subconscious directly and help you reduce your exam anxiety:
In hypnotherapy, we work together to recondition your brain and "decouple" the fear.
In a relaxed trance state, we can use suggestions to permanently change your thought patterns.
This helps you to alleviate the symptoms before and during the exam situation and to reduce the fear of the assessment.
After successful hypnotherapy, you can approach exams stress-free and relaxed.
EMDR is another effective method for combating exam anxiety.
This form of therapy starts directly where the problem originated - in your brain.
Together we resolve unpleasant memories or ideas and integrate them into the rest of your feelings.
This means you no longer have to use coping strategies and can enter exam situations without fear.
With self-hypnosis you learn to put yourself into a relaxed state and to anchor positive suggestions that reduce your exam anxiety. This technique can be used directly in the exam situation to promote calm and concentration.
Autogenic Training
Autogenic training is a relaxation technique that helps to reduce stress and find inner peace through regular practice.
It can be used before and during exam situations to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety such as heart palpitations and trembling.
All of the methods mentioned can be used individually or in combination.
In a personal preliminary discussion we will discuss together which method is best suited for you
to sustainably reduce your exam anxiety and improve your well-being.