Autogenic Training
What is autogenic training?
The method of autogenic training was developed in the 1930s by the neurologist Professor J. H. Schultz and has since been scientifically well studied. He adapted effective relaxation techniques from hypnosis and taught his patients to use them independently. Schultz discovered that people are capable of bringing themselves into a trance-like, relaxed state through self-influence - a process he called "autogenic training."
How does autogenic training work?
When used correctly, it can control various body functions such as heartbeat, blood circulation and breathing rhythm, thereby positively influencing mental and physical health.
Application examples:
Burnout (& -prevention)
Sleeping Disorders
Chronic pain
Headache and Migraine
Muscle tension and poor posture
Generell psychological stress​
Lack of performance
Stomach and intestinal disorders
Concentration problems
Inner Unrest
My Offer for you:
Usually you would find offers for autogenic training in the form of german speaking group courses
(e.g. adult education center "Volkshochschule").
Unfortunately, the door to this wonderful and proven effective method to reduce stress, remains closed to many people who either don't like this setting for very personal reasons or avoid it due to shame, shyness or social phobias.
I offer you individual teaching and practice of the technique as part of a personal coaching session.
In my practice, you will learn the method one-on-one in a relaxed and trusting atmosphere.
In this setting, there is enough space for you and your individual topics, your questions and needs, completely free of pressure, shame or discomfort in a large group.
By the way, the combination of autogenic training and self-hypnosis can mutually increase the respective effectiveness - feel free to talk to me about this!

Professor Johannes H. Schultz (1884 - 1970)